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If anyone has seen Jeff Su's inbox zero workflow for Gmail can attest to this, unfortunately he has taken the video down so i can't link it.
But in essence, the idea was to tag messages and archeive them to have 0 messages in your inbox. One cool feature he showcased was that Gmail has an option to show you multiple inboxes on the side of the screen. These inboxes can be filtered to include only specific types of messages (such as specific tagged messages like "To-Do", "Waiting", "Read Later", etc... The great thing about having those custom inboxes on your main page view, is that you will can have them front and center on your email client while also remaining organized. I have attached an image for reference.
You can configure this view by going to gmail settings and turning on the multiple inbox view (see attached). Once that is setup, go to the all settings, then inbox, then under that you can configure it to filter for specific tags and label the inboxes as well (see attached).
I would really appreciate having this functionallity as it helps me be siginficantly more productive and organized with my email.
P.S. if you're asking why don't i use gmail then instead.... its because i use gmail for personal email while at work we use icewarp which can not be logged into gmail with.