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I can´t really find functionality how redirect e-mail with original sender.
For example, I received e-mail from address to my address
I can see it in my mail box as sender from
For example this message I want to postpone to
If I use your functionality Forward as original in your program EM client, my colleague received original e-mail but as sender is my e-mail address instead original
And if he clicks to the button answer, it will be answer not to original address, but to my address
It always looks like forward and not real full redirect with original sender.
Exist some addons like for Thunderbird or possibilities how really redirect original message?
Minimally I don´t understand why you havn´t part (reply to) with pre-filled with the address of the original sender.
You have this information inside original message, so you can use it and if you can´t change real sender you can change the e-mail address for replay. See please my attached file.
If I use your functionality forward as attachment, you add it as attached file, recipient must open attached file, WHY this additional step, because you can´t directly open and show EML files :-(
So if you add possibilities show directly EML file and reply to, it can be great.
This is a good point - I would have thought for most people "redirect" is more valuable than "forward as original". I do use the latter, but only to forward mails to Evernote without the extra stuff at the top.
I agree it is functionality which missing in eM Client.