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Often when I open the client, the mailbox/folder is/may be as I left it last time. With the thumb (or elevator, or the thingy that scrolls vertically) so narrow, it is a dexterity challange to get to the top of the list.
Back when GUI was a new term, there was an effort to make the conrols the same on each app. Typically enforced/encouraged by Microsoft, but adapted by host of others, was getting to the top of a scrolled window. If your keyboard had a "home" key, that would work, or when used in the control combination.
Additionally, the app should be controllable 90% of the time in all keyboard mode, or all mouse mode. The need to shift from keyboard to mouse and back should be avoided.
I get somewhere between 300 to 500 emails a day, so the less time I can spend working that list the better.
I just retired from an 50+year career in application development and it is hard not to make recommendations for an improved product. :-)